Aug 1, 2023 | Erasmus+, Latvia, Riga, Schwerin
A warm welcome in Germany wishes ‘erasmus partner’ the trainees. As part of an Erasmus+ funding measure, 5 trainees from the vocational school in Kuldīga in Schwerin will complete an internship in various Schwerin companies as car-mechanic and as carpenter...
Dec 8, 2019 | Erasmus+, Latvia, Riga, Schwerin
‚erasmus partner’ welcomes the trainees from Riga, Latvia to Germany. Students and their teacher from the vocational school in Riga, Latvia As part of an Erasmus+ funding scheme, 4 trainees from Riga visit Schwerin. From 17.11.19 to 18.12.19 the students...
Apr 14, 2019 | Erasmus+, Kandava, Kuldīga, Latvia, Lithuania, Riga, Schwerin, Vilkija
16 Apprentices from 4 different Vocational schools from Kandava, Kuldiga and Riga in Latvia and Vilkija in Lithuania who are completing an Internship in Schwerin under Erasmus+ funding Measures, support Schwerin with the annual spring cleaning. Students from...