The ErasmusPlus initiative is one of the most well-known and popular actions of the European Union in the field of education and training. It offers young people the opportunity to get to know new countries and cultures, improve their language skills, and gain valuable professional experience. The collaboration between the “Autonomous Province of Trento” in Italy and the “Erasmus partner” in Germany is also a successful example of this.
This year marked the third time that youth from Trento traveled to Schwerin to participate in internships through ErasmusPlus. In total, 8 young people took part in the “European Mobility, Internships and Learning” program. They had the opportunity to gain insights into the German working life at various companies such as “Müller’s” café, “Restaurant Lukas,” “Die Orangerie,” “Haus am Fernsehturm,” and the “Augustenstift.” The participants were warmly welcomed and were able to gain valuable experiences.
One of the biggest challenges for the youth was the fact that they were for the first time so far away from their familiar environment and families. However, despite initial concerns, they successfully mastered this challenge. They immersed themselves in German culture and society, made new friendships, and significantly improved their knowledge of the German language.
The main goal of the teenagers was to improve their language skills. And they undoubtedly achieved this. During their stay in Schwerin, they also visited other cities such as Rostock, Lübeck, Berlin and Hamburg, thus experiencing a diverse Germany. The project is considered a great success by both sides and the participants were warmly bid farewell.
We wish Ilaria, Cecilia, Federica, Marianna, Martina, Matteo, and Alexander all the best for their personal and professional future. We are proud that we were able to contribute with ErasmusPlus to their valuable experiences and to expand their intercultural competences.