The ErasmusPlus program is a great opportunity for young people to gain new experiences and improve their professional skills. In this blog text we would like to tell you about the experiences of 6 young people from Kuldīga, Latvia, who were able to do an internship in Schwerin thanks to ErasmusPlus.

The six young people attend a vocational school in Kuldīga and have been given the opportunity to complete an internship at various Schwerin companies. Her focus is on the areas of furniture design, logistics and automotive mechatronics. This is a big challenge for the young people, but also a valuable opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills in their respective professional fields.

During their stay in Schwerin, the young people not only have the opportunity to get a taste of German working life, but also to get to know the city and its surroundings. You can take part in city tours, visit sights and gain a better understanding of northern German culture and society. These experiences help the young people not only for their professional advancement, but also for their personal development.

But the best thing about ErasmusPlus is that young people also have the chance to make new friends. Because you are not alone in Schwerin, but together with other ErasmusPlus participants. The young people also make friends with the people of Schwerin. They can exchange ideas, learn from each other and discover their cultural differences. This not only promotes intercultural understanding, but also tolerance and openness to other cultures.

It is certainly an exciting and educational time in Schwerin for the young people. But it is also an enrichment for Schwerin companies to have young, motivated interns from abroad. They bring new ideas and perspectives and can also improve their language skills.

The ErasmusPlus program therefore offers a win-win situation for everyone involved. Young people have the chance to expand their knowledge and skills, Schwerin and the region are presented as an attractive internship location and companies can benefit from international influences.

We are sure that the six young people from Latvia will have an unforgettable time in Schwerin and that this internship will make a valuable contribution to their personal and professional development. We wish them all the best and hope that they will continue to benefit from the numerous opportunities that the ErasmusPlus program offers.